Thursday, March 5, 2009


Feline Distemper, Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV)
Feline Distemper, also known as Feline panleukopenia (FPV), is a highly resistant virus that can infect an unvaccinated cat or kitten. Indoor cats are vulnerable because owners can carry the virus in on their shoes or clothing. It is possible to protect your cat against FPV through vaccination.

Feline panleukopenia (FPV) is especially dangerous for kittens of two to six months old. The mortality rate is very high - 75 percent of kittens who get this disease die of it, often very rapidly - within one week.

What is Feline Panleukopenia?:

Feline Panleuk, as it is often called, is an extremely contagious virus of the parvovirus group, with a high mortality rate, which often targets kittens. Areas with large populations of unvaccinated cats, such as feral colonies or homes of "cat collectors," are particularly susceptible to panleuk outbreaks.

How is Feline Panleukopenia Transmitted?:

The feline panleuk virus (FVP) is extremely hardy and may survive for months, and even years. It is easily transmitted through contact, either cat-to-cat, or by human-to-cat :
Shared food and water bowls, litter pans, bedding
Mutual grooming
Fleas, during the active stage
In utero, from an infected queen
Human handling can transfer the FVP virus from one cat to another, by contact through hands, clothing, and shoes.

What Are the Symptoms of Feline Panleukopenia?:

The initial symptoms are also found with many other diseases, and always indicate the need for a veterinary examination.
Disinterest in food and water
Appearance of the "third eyelid," or haw, in the inner corner of the eye
Lack of grooming, evidenced by dull, rough coat
Evidence of abdominal pain
A "hunched over" postural appearance

How is Panleukopenia Diagnosed and Treated?:

A tentative diagnosis may be made by the history of symptoms and clinical signs such as fever or a drop in the white blood cell count. The latter symptoms may vary from cat to cat, and depending on the stage of the infection. A finding of antibodies to the virus in the blood will confirm diagnosis.
Treatment involves alleviating vomiting and diarrhea, to prevent subsequent dehydration, along with steps to prevent secondary bacterial infections, until the cat's natural immune system takes over.

Prevention of Feline Panleuk:

When born to a queen with FPV antibodies, kittens will have a natural immunity for the first eight to ten weeks. After that period, vaccinations should be started. The FPV vaccine is often combined in "3-way" shots, which also include protection against feline herpesvirus 1(FSV1), and feline calicivirus (FCV). Kittens receive a series of followup vaccines, and all adult cats should be vaccinated every one to three years for FCV, depending on the kind of vaccine used.
The FPV vaccine is not recommended for kittens under eight weeks of age, since their natural immunity may interfere with the efficacy of the FPV vaccine. An FVP antiserum can be used to immunize kittens under eight weeks, which have been exposed to the FPV virus, and also for older, unprotected cats who have been exposed.

Preventing Further Outbreaks:

Since the FPV virus is so hardy, and can persist in the environment for months or years, a thorough disinfection of the entire premises needs to be made after an outbreak of feline panleuk in a home shared by cats. The only disinfectant presently acknowleded is a dilute bleach solution, of 1:9 (one part bleach to nine parts water.)
Although feline panleukopenia is considered a "dread disease" of cats, with routine vaccinations, isolation of cats new to the household until they have been tested and vaccinated, and routine sanitary precautions, the average multi-cat household should remain safe from this disease.


diyadeary said...

mmg tiap kucing bole kene, kan? benda tu macam udara pulak. sian. kene cucuk dgn vaksin pulak. kalau kucing yg merempat tu nampak sehat je.

dEwi bLa bLa said...

perasan tak kalo ada kucing2 yg dtg tp tbe2 tak dtg?
maybe dorg dh mati sbb sakit ni jugak! mungkin la kan..
mmg kene cucuk.. rere suzy n tam mmg dh cucuk dh.. ada schedule2 dia bole cucuk...