finally! swimming attire dh lengkap.. dh bli dh goggle n oso cap! yahu2 bole terjun2..
n td gi lg metrojaya warehouse tu.. tak rugi la aritu borong byk, sbb yg tinggal sume tak bes.. tp ade baru jugak punya.. i bought lulu castagnette! tp mama blanje lah!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: activity
Friday, October 24, 2008
miskin dh!
yeah.. ni la hasil aku 4 jam kt warehouse metrojaya tadi.. n ade a few boy shorts! 6 bottles of perfume... and they cost me rm331! ok gak a kn? agak worth it..
1st tu, kenneth cole.. cool bottle die.. nk tutup ada magnet! yg 2nd paco rabanne ultraviolet kot! ke violet2 tah tak igt.. bau die manis2 gitu! 3rd, light heart by morgan.. yg ni pon power botol die, ada glitter2 diamond2 mmg smart gle aaa.. kotak die itself mcm kotak rokok! cool gle!
row bwh plak.. kate moss.. bau fresh n manis! 2nd, adorably by mango.. or well known as MNG.. n 3rd.. miss sixty! kool gle kan?
sume ni 50ml.. cukup la tu.. bekalan utk 3 tahun!!
ada la beberapa yg tak di beli sbb harga die mcm hmm bkn hmm apa.. tp hmm la dr yg dh di beli.. sume pfume yg ada below rm150.. n wat i hv bought sume below rm70.. yet they r original! yg tak di beli ysl, bylgari, tous, givenchy, issey miyaki.. jean paul gautier, selvatore ferragamo.. n few more to be named! sume nice2! cm susah nk pilih.. kn bes if kaya!
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 7:08 PM 2 comments
Labels: activity
Thursday, October 23, 2008
nama jepon?
Kalau yang sedang boring-boring tu tak tau nak buat apa, dalam kepala otak asyik fikir POLITIK, REFORMASI dan STUDY sahaja, apa kata kita berhibur sikit dengan lawak nama jepun ni.
01. Yang pemarah - KEiJI CACIMAKI
02. Yang suka berjimat - SAYORI SUKAMURA
03. Yang bisu - KIETA TADASORA
04. Yang suka makan nasi - NANACHi KASIBANYA
05. Yang suka layan blues - APO NADIKATO
06. Yang suka belajar - ASHIKO ULANGKAJI
07. Yang kerap bikin kacau - WAKASI HURUHARA
08. Yang sangat kedekut - MATIMATI TAMOKASI
09. Yang suka sangat tidur - ICHIBAN TIDOMATI
10. Yang suka mengintai - HINTAI AKOSUKA
12. Yang kena tinggal bini - SUSAHATI BINILARI
13. Yang suka merempit - SAJA CARIMATI
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 11:57 PM 0 comments
im so xcited!
hahahhaa well.. 4 ur info, diz is not a dress.. but a swimwear.. cantik kan! hahahha memandangkan dh final year, n dihasut oleh mmber hitam ku, jadi.. akan ku berenang2 di tepian kolam renang um... d tgh2 pon takpe .. tapi.. bg melengkap kn lg.. kene a bli swimming cap n oso goggle! akan ku dpt kn scpt mungkin.. oh ye.. sbenanye bkn nk bli sgt.. tp aritu tgk kt jusco, harga die rm169.90.. if im not mistaken la! tp time bli ni, harga die rm40.. apa lg.. cpt2 la try n tgk ngam2 je.. trus bli! lepas ni, comey dh a kaki badan tangan sume..
p/s: bon, takleh a bagi peha aku makan org 1 kampung!
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 11:10 PM 3 comments
Labels: activity
ok everyone!! no secret on this post.. diz is pizza dragon.. kat murni! basically it is a naan, stuffed with lots of cheese [maybe mozarella], sausages, scrambled eggs, chicken ham n mushrooms.. it only cost u rm12
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: food
Monday, October 20, 2008
yep2.. sblh panas, sblh sejuk
Do you like to hold or be held?
to be hold! tightly!!
When was the last time you cried?
last nite..
How many times have you eaten sushi?
hmm..seems like once a month? maybe more
Do you have any saved texts?
yeah..important msgs
Could you go a day without eating?
What side of a heart do you draw first?
i dont even know how to draw a proper heart.. i mean complete wif those arteries etc
Have you ever cried from being so mad?
yep.. due to pms
Where is the next place you will travel to?
dunno yet.. um perhaps hahaha
Do you have empty alcohol bottles
Last person you commented?
gorgeous izzah!
Last person you saw other than your family?
hafiz n onie, raya td
Do you like getting hugs from other people?
if she/he is not smelly hahahhaha
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
we'll see..
Who is in the room with you?
Do you want kids?
oredy have! hahahahha anak buah 3!
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Would you leave the one you love for the hottest person in the world?
Someone mad at you?
hahahaha hell yeah! kecil hati ku ..kecil hatimu jua?
Regret anything?
so far, nope..
Last book you read?
buku lali
If you could do something differently, would you go back?
Are you sarcastic?
a bit
Would you move to another country to be with the one you love?
mesti.. i'll follow him wherever he goes
Are you someone who worries too often?
bole la jugak..
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?
at home..sbb ada anak buah hetam suzy
Are you tired right now?
Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
present.. n future
Would you ever live with anyone on your top friends?
fs? yep.. no 1
Do you miss anyone?
very much ;)
Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?
yep.. geram
Do you plan on moving within the next year?
Do you believe in true love?
yep i do
Is there someone you wish you were still close with?
I dont know, people come and go.. and it applied the same to my friends. So, i'm prone to it already.
Do you currently hate someone?
What are you excited about?
currently my anak2 buah!
Who's the last person that told you they loved you?
mohd fakhri muda
What are you craving right now?
kani maki.. or maki kani? hahahaha sakae sushi plz.. n ta fu fah.. alwayz b!
Do you think two people can last forever?
can kot.. if they can tolerate
If you were mad would you tell your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life?
hahahhaha a bit kot! cine.. y cine?
Do you like anyone?
more than like..
Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
huu mama
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
yep of coz.. tpu2 sunat ada la sket2
Do you dye your hair?
yep..a few times..
Plans for your next birthday?
nothing at the moment..
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
dear all..
some things are BETTER left untold~
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: mental me
my new little newborn kittens!!
this is mummy suzy!! tgk on top of her hand, ade 1 hitam! baby die tu! baby hitam.. so cute!
ni anak buah 3 eko! 1 greyish, 1 black, n 1 mcm mummy! tp idong die pink! so die sgt spesel among all la..
tu si idong pink yg comey~
yg ni im not so sure grey ke hitam.. tp die comel.. nmpk mcm monyet pon ada!
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: furkids
Saturday, October 11, 2008
tak tak.. aku tak pasrah..
dok tgk2 tv kt tv1, tbe2 ade iklan erra fazira nyanyi lagu pasrah tu..trus teringat kenangan dolu2..cewah..
rasenye time tu f2.. ada dinner pgws, standard la anual dinner kan.. then setiap form kene perform pape a.. kononnye! aku pon tak tau a..zaman tu cam membuta tuli mengikut kata senior saje.. pastu .. dtg a abg fahmi ni bg task kt ktorg.. cmni.."dewi, era, nnt dtg umah abg fahmi ..abg fahmi dh setting dh korg kne duet nyanyi lagu pasrah".. fuuuu tbe2 kene nyanyi ni apekeheinye ikot je a time tu.. gi prektis kt umah abg fahmi.. nyanyi2 lagu pasrah.. mangat tol la cik dewi n cik era pada ketika itu... pdhal malas nk mati..
jd, pada dinner tersebut, ktorg pon nyanyi je la membuta tuli, tak mcm prektis pon.. mmg tgkp feeling a..menghayati! konon2nye pasrah.. tah pape gile a rasenye, mendapat tepukan yg agak bole la kuat nye kan hahahahah tak igt sgt.. tp pengalaman gak a nyanyi tu..mcm bodo je rase!
....kini aku....pasrah...dgn segalanyaaaa~~~...
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: mental me
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
tragedi di pagi seblm hari raya.. mama soh lap2 bekas kueh raya..dan disebabkan mcm byk habuk je, aku mengambil keputusan utk basuh takde la basuh beria..asal bersih sudah..pastu, lap sampai kering.. pastu biar ats meja la nk biar angin2 lagi keringkan.. pastu ..niat nk kuar gi main ngan hetam... ble smpi je kt pintu, bunyi meletop..mcm bnde mesti hetam gi main pasu kt luar ni.. pastu eh..bunyi mcm kuat mcm dlm umah balik kt dining hall, tgk2 atas meja, balang ni yg pecah..pecah dgn sendirinya.. ajaib gle! n tak paham jugak mcm mana bole pecah.. mungkin takde rezki nk pakai 4 raya nanti!
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 12:08 AM 2 comments
Labels: activity
disebabkan sikap yg memberansangkan dan menunjukkan perubahan yg positif, haaa hetam diberi rumah yg baru n lebih tinggi! ianya setinggi 3 tingkat agar lebih luas utk die panjat2!
tu suzy tumpang je kejap.. suzy pula di naik kan taraf nya daripada kucing jalanan kepada kucing sangkar..die memonopoli atau mengambil alih rumah hetam yg lama iaitu yg bewarna putih .. tisu di selitkan di punggung nya kerana suzy mengalami masalah perot.. perot nya mungkin tidak sedap yg menyebabkan dianya cirit! jadi bagi mengelakkan tahi nya bertaburan, tisu diselitkan! ahahahha sengal ayat skema..oh ya.. tahi nya berbaur darah sket2..adakah sudah tiba due nya?
Posted by dEwi bLa bLa at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: furkids